Sunday, February 13, 2011

In Honor of Angel, Newest Installment of M. R. Series: Quotes from Books 1-6

Let's gaze back upon the amazing awesomeness of the six books...

(OK, here I was GOING to post a gazillion quotes from the books but...there were complications...for example, I wasn't sure about the whole copyright thing, and I did find a site with the quotes but they made errors and typos every once in a while so I was like...yeah. I'm srry about that :( )

Done gazing back? OK. Purpose of this post has been fulfilled.

Before I go...I'd like your opinion. Should I buy Angel? No libraries anywhere near here have it in their catalog! 


Comments Welcome


  1. Yeah, you should totally buy it. It's what, ten bucks?

  2. Yeah, it's like nine but around 11 or 12 w/ shipping. Not bad at all. And I do have a few BN gift cards in my wallet...yeah, I'll probably end up buying it. Thanks for your input :D

  3. BUY IT BUY IT!!! :D

  4. Already bought it :D

  5. I borrowed Angel, though I haven't read it yet, since I've been struggling with this series since The Final Warning.

  6. Hi Jessica! :) I think we experienced the same thing when we read The Final Warning! I wont say I disliked it, but comparatively it wasn't as good as the books preceding it.


  7. I ordered Angel a few days ago! :) It should(better) be here soon :D Marvel bought it too, but she's waiting to finish THE HOBBIT before she begins Angel


  8. And btw i dont think there would be copyright issues.... isn't that only if you make money off it??? I think so.

  9. Not necessarily. For example, isn't it illegal to post copyrighted movies on YouTube? That's why certain movies are removed. Anyway, you're probably right in this case.

  10. READ ANGEL EDDIE........ NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
