How satisfying to slash a perfect, thin black stroke through a Classic on my TBR List. This book was simply unlike anything I've ever read before. Funnily enough, I encountered no hot-air balloons which I had anticipated from the cover. Perhaps those weren't balloons, per se, as I'd thought. Ah well, I'll have the matter elucidated soon enough.
Now, I have to say: I was rather expecting the ending of the book. It was utterly foreseeable, the simple error of miscalculating the sly passage of twenty-four hours, unbeknownst to Fogg and his crew. Still, that didn't take much from the thrill of comprehending that Fogg, in fact, would realize a comfortable life alongside his Indian princess of a wife, Aouda. I really must discover how to pronounce her name accurately...
Now, the pinnacle and crux of this novel was clearly the scene in which Fogg and Aouda "got together." I read the passage so fast and so excitedly that I had to go back and re-read it more slowly. I thought the event so...magical!
Honestly, I'm so excited right now I can hardly string together coherent, intellectual words to wrap up my impression of the book. Suffice it to say that this was a book I am glad to have read before I die. I might update this post later, might not.
Notable Events:
* Mr. Fogg purchases the lesser half of the Henrietta so as to burn it for fuel to reach Liverpool.
*Mr. Fogg gives a well-earned blow to Fix after his release from jail. "He walked to the detective, looked him steadily in the face, and with the only rapid motion he had ever made in his life, or which he ever would make, drew back his arms, and with the precision of a machine, knocked Fix down."
-"Well hit!" cried Passepartout. "Parbleu! that's what you might call a good application of English fists."
(Verne, 152)
*Last, resonating sentence of the book: "Truly, would you not for less than that make the tour around the world?" "That" referring to the acquisition of a charming companion who made Mr. Phileas Fogg "the happiest of men." (Verne, 163)